In the bustling village of Carapichaima, nestled on Waterloo Road, there resides a man whose dedication to his craft has made him a beloved staple in our community. Sudesh Ramsundar, known affectionately as the Oysterman of Tacarigua, has been enriching the lives of his customers with the finest oysters in our community.

Sudesh’s journey began over three decades ago when a friend introduced him to a prime location opposite Eddie Hart Grounds on Eastern Main Road Tacarigua. Embracing the opportunity, he set up his modest stall, where the community quickly grew to appreciate his offerings. The spot has become a beacon for oyster lovers, some of whom stop by nearly every day, drawn by both the quality of his product and Sudesh’s warm, inviting presence.

Oystering is in Sudesh’s blood; his father was a wholesale oysterman, and the family tradition stretches back to his grandparents. Now, he is passing on his knowledge and passion to his nephew Ryan, who joins him after school to learn the intricacies of the business.

The life of an oysterman is not without its challenges. The most formidable task is opening the oysters, a skill that Sudesh has honed over the years with the help of his wife and family. The oysters themselves come from Sudesh’s hometown, a place rich with mangroves where the best oysters cling to the roots. While he has not been able to visit the swamps for a year due to health issues, Sudeash ensures a steady supply by purchasing from a neighbouring wholesaler, maintaining the high standards his customers have come to expect.

He welcomes the opportunity to choose his hours and enjoy the satisfaction of running his own business. Sudesh is drawn to the freedom and independence his work provides. However, his recent medical condition does not allow him to work, but the need to provide for his family is of utmost importance to him, and he says he must do what he can for them.

Operating from Tuesday to Saturday, from 1 pm to 6 pm, he delights in seeing the familiar faces of regulars who visit frequently. His presence on the road is a comforting constant, a sign of reliability and excellence that locals value deeply.

The story of Sudesh Ramsundar is not just about selling oysters; it’s about family, tradition, and community. It’s a testament to the way one man’s dedication and love for his work can impact those around him, creating a legacy that is as enduring as the tides.

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Video Production by OMG Media | Directed and Edited by Stephen Doobal, Camera and Editing Ronaldo Roberts – Email, WhatsApp Stephen 1-868-682-6829